Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Welcome Another Blessing!

I am finally getting around to introducing our newest addition. I have been in babyland for the last few weeks so forgive me for taking so long to make our announcement.

We were beginning to wonder if this baby would ever get here. On Friday, October 31 we finally got to meet our newest little one. We had another beautiful and peaceful home birth. Everything went wonderfully and my mom and the girls (except April who was napping) were there to see the baby being born. And this one surprised us all! We have been blessed with another daughter! We figure that they are so adorable that the Lord just keeps giving us more! It took us 3 days to come up with a name. It does get harder.

We would like to officially introduce Annalise (Anna Lease) Michelle Seiler. Ann and Lee come from our moms and sisters and Michelle comes from Matt's sister Alexa. She weighed 8lb. 7 oz. and was almost 21 inches. My biggest baby so far! She was born face first, but otherwise everything was normal. She just didn't want to miss anything. She looks like her sisters all did as babies and has a little dimple in her chin like her daddy and sister, Ashlyn. She is doing wonderfully, nurses like a pro and has no lack of waiting arms to hold and cuddle her. Daddy, Mama, and the girls are all thrilled!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Baby Waiting Game

We are down to the final countdown to b-day for baby # 6. Yes- # 6! And no we aren't trying for a boy, we aren't catholic, we aren't done, and we are only a little crazy. If you had asked me 12 years ago if I thought I would be expecting my 6th child in a dozen years, I would have laughed. It is amazing the way the Lord can change us!

So here I am waiting for this new little baby to join us. I am running out of room, running out of energy, and running out of breath! Our 12th anniversary is Saturday, the 18th and that is also the day my mom is flying in... So I am trying to be patient and wait until after Saturday for the baby to come. But we shall see.

We are planning another home birth. This will be our third born at home. It really is an awesome way to welcome a baby into the world. I don't have to deal with noisy machines, strange surroundings, having to find childcare for my children, having to fight to be able to do things as I want, etc. And my girls get to be there to witness the birth of their new little sibling. My oldest has seen 3 of her sisters enter the world. What an amazing experience for a girl. I want my children to know that birth is a natural and beautiful experience, not a painful medical procedure.

So please pray for our baby and it's birth. And watch for updates!

An Introduction

I suppose it is time for me to join the blogging community. I have tried to hold out for as long as possible. So it is time for an introduction. I am Tammy, wife to Matt for the last 12 wonderful years. We are currently growing five little blossoms. Adri - 9, Laina - 8, May- 5, Bea - 2, and Marie - 18 months and we are expecting another seedling in October.

I am married to a wonderful man who wants a large family and somehow has enough confidence in me to think that I can pull it off. He is incredibly supportive and loves me in spite of myself. I think he has even gotten used to most of my "ideas". I love learning and being challenged about what I think and why. The more I learn, the more I realize I don't really know much and it just excites me to think about all the wonderful things I have yet to learn.

I am very passionate about life and what I have learned, but I also know that I can be wrong. I am open to having what I think challenged. I find it a wonderful opportunity to find out if what I think is the truth or just what the world would have me believe. So challenge away, or feel free to disagree, I promise I won't be offended! But maybe you will be challenged along the way to find the truth for yourself. You don't have to take my word for it, but maybe it will make you question your own beliefs and start looking for answers yourself. And of course I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time.

So welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy getting a glimpse of our life.